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Lawpack is the UK’s leading supplier of Wills. Since 1993, Lawpack has sold Wills to over 1 million customers.

Lawpack’s Will Kits are:

“Easy to understand and use. Just what I needed” - (G Miller)

“Great value for money. Very helpful” - (E Adamson)

5 products


In today’s modern society marriage isn’t for everyone, and some couples prefer not to tie the knot. But marriage and civil partnership provides certain legal rights that cohabitation does not, even though figures show there are more than four million…

Category: Cohabitation

If you’re worried that your affairs may be left in limbo if you get ill or have an accident, then you can use a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) to grant someone the power to look after your affairs. Alternatively,…

Category: Power of Attorney

A General Power of Attorney is a statutory form enabling you to authorise someone else to act on your behalf and in your name. It applies only to your property and affairs and it cannot be used to authorise someone…

Category: Power of Attorney

A General Power of Attorney (GPA) is a statutory form which authorises someone to act on your behalf and in your name. It’s a relatively straightforward authorisation and can be used for a wide range of circumstances or for specific…

Category: Power of Attorney