When someone dies and you’re faced with probate, it’s important to think about whether you employ a professional legal firm to administer the estate or if you decide to do it yourself. Whether you handle all the tasks involved in…
Category: Updates and downloads
When someone dies and before you start the probate process, it’s important to complete some initial tasks to secure the deceased’s property and check on their correspondence. These tasks should be attended to as soon as possible, in preparation for…
Category: Uncategorized
When applying for confirmation to administer someone’s estate after they have died, you must complete various probate forms and send them to the Sheriff Court. The main probate form to use to apply for probate is a C1 Confirmation Application…
Category: Company management articles
Executors have the power to deal with the deceased’s assets from the date of death. But if the value of the deceased’s estate exceeds £5,000, then the executors will need to obtain a ‘grant of representation’ in England & Wales…
Category: Employment contract articles