About the author
1 The Trading and Profit and Loss Account
Goods for own use
Cost of sales
Gross profit
Net profit/loss
Examples of Trading and Profit and Loss Accounts
Income and Expenditure Account
Receipts and Payments Account
2 The Balance Sheet
Fixed assets
Current assets
Current liabilities
Liabilities due after more than one year
Going concern
Examples of Balance Sheets
3 The Statement of Cash Flows
Receipts and Payments Account
Statement of Cash Flows for medium companies
4 Company accounts
The limited company
Limited by guarantee
Company accounts
Signing accounts
The annual audit
Group accounts
Prior year adjustments
Statement of Comprehensive Income
Statement of Changes in Equity
Micro company accounts
Limited liability partnerships (LLPs)
Ratios for companies
5 Reviewing the accounts
General points
Cost of sales and gross profit
Net profit or loss
Net assets
Fixed assets
Case study
6 Management accounts
Cash flow forecast
Computerised management accounts
7 Creative accounting
Art or science?
Comparing figures
Accounting considerations when buying a business
Group transactions
Window dressing
Off-Balance Sheet financing
Revenue recognition
A.1 Sole Trader Profit and Loss Account
A.2 Sole Trader Balance Sheet
A.3 Sole trader Notes to the Accounts
B.1 Partnership Profit and Loss Account
B.2 Partnership Balance Sheet
B.3 Partnership Notes to the Accounts
C.1 Small company Directors’ Report
C.2 Small Company Statutory Profit and Loss Account
C.3 Small Company Balance Sheet
C.4 Small Company Notes to the Accounts
C.5 Small Company Detailed Profit and Loss Account
D Small Company Profit and Loss Account
E Medium Company Statement of Cash Flows
F.1 Micro Company Profit and Loss Account
F.2 Micro Company Balance Sheet
G.1 Receipts and Payments Account (vertical)
G.2 Receipts and Payments Account (horizontal)
H Checklist for Reviewing Accounts
I Troubleshooting Checklist
J Stocktaking and Stock Valuation Checklist
K The Treatment of Value Added Tax (VAT) in the Accounts
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