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BusinessRunning a Business301 Legal Forms, Letters & Agreements Book and eBook

301 Legal Forms, Letters & Agreements Book and eBook


Reference: 9781907765834
England & Wales - Book
England & Wales - eBook

Product description

301 Legal Forms, Letters and Agreements will help you get it in writing. It contains a legal form for practically every home and business need.

Start saving legal fees now with this compendium of legally valid legal forms for use in both your business and your everyday life.

You know how it is. You just want to get something in writing... but you don't want to pay the legal fees involved in getting a legal professional to draft it for you.

Lawpack, the DIY law specialists, can help.

If there is a simple legal template for what you want, you will find it in 301 Legal Forms, Letters and Agreements, with instructions on using and completing each legal form.

What you get is quite simply a huge range of solutions in one bestselling paperback book, packed with draft letters and pre-printed legal forms covering a wide range of legal situations.

It provides a complete DIY law library of 301 ready-to-use legal forms and documents, written and approved by solicitors, for business or personal use. It is there to safeguard your legal rights and protect you, your family, your property and your business from everyday legal problems, without the inconvenience or cost of using a solicitor.

Using 301 Legal Forms Letters and Agreements is an ideal way of getting it in writing.

What better way is there to document your important transactions, avoid costly disputes and enforce your legal rights? In a few minutes you can draw up the legal form or agreement you need to sidestep misunderstandings, comply with legal obligations and avoid liability.

Areas covered include loans and borrowing, buying and selling, employment, personal and family, credit and debt collection, transfers and assignments, business and residential tenancy.

301 Legal Forms Letters and Agreements is invaluable to any individual or business who wishes to save legal fees!

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301 Legal Forms, Letters and Agreements Contents:

Areas covered include:

  • Business
  • Loans & borrowing
  • Employment
  • Credit & debt collection
  • Buying & selling
  • Transfers and assignments
  • Tenancy Agreements and tenancy
  • Personal & family
  • And many more.

Alphabetical list of legal forms in 301 Legal Forms, Letters and Agreements

Accident Claim Notice
Notice to an insurance company of a claim following an accident

Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Order
Notice that a purchase order has been received and accepted

Acknowledgement of Alteration of Order
Letter confirming an amendment to a purchase order

Acknowledging a Notification of Maternity Leave
A letter informing employee of amount of maternity leave

A sworn statement of fact to be used as evidence in court

Affidavit of Power of Attorney
A sworn statement by an attorney that the power of attorney under which he was appointed remains in effect and has not been revoked

Affidavit of Title to Goods of other Chattels
A sworn statement by a seller of goods that he has the right to transfer title to those goods

An all-purpose contract between two parties

Agreement for the Sale of Goods
A general agreement between a seller and a buyer of goods

Agreement for the Sale of a Vehicle
An agreement to record the private sale of a motor vehicle

Agreement to Assume Debt
An agreement by which a debtor agrees to be responsible for the debt of a customer to a creditor in return for transfer of the customer’s goods

Agreement to Compromise Debt
An agreement by which a creditor agrees to reduce a customer’s debt on certain terms

Agreement to Extend Debt Payment
An agreement by which a creditor agrees to extend the terms under which a customer must repay his debt

Agreement to Extend Performance Date
An agreement by which two parties agree to extend the time for completion of an existing contract

Agreement to Sell Personal Property
A simple agreement to record the sale of private property other than land

Alteration to terms of employment
A letter from an employer altering the terms of an employee’s employment

Anti-Gazumping Agreement
An exclusivity contract between the buyer and seller of property, protecting the buyer against being gazumped

Application to be accepted as Guarantor
An application to a prospective giver of credit for acceptance as a Guarantor in respect of the debts of a person who is applying for credit

Applicant’s Request for an Employment Reference
A letter requesting an employment reference from a previous employer

Application to Open a Credit Account
A form issued by a company to a potential customer wanting to open a credit account

Assignment of Accounts Receivable with Non-Recourse
An agreement by which a creditor sells his interest in a debt to a third party.This form must be used in conjunction with the Notice of Assignment which the assignor should send to the debtor

Assignment of Contract
An assignment by one party to an existing contract of its rights and obligations under the contract to an outside party

Assignment of Insurance Policy
An assignment by an insurance policy holder of the benefit of the policy to a third party

Assignment of Money Due
An assignment by a creditor of the benefit of a debt owed to him to a third party in return for a payment

Assignment of Option
An assignment by an option holder of the benefit of an option to a third party in return for payment

Assignment of Option to Purchase Land
An assignment by an option holder of the benefit of an option to purchase land to a third party in return for payment

Authorisation to Release Confidential Information
A letter giving authority to a company or individual to release confidential information

Authorisation to Release Employment Information
A letter giving authority to a company to release employment information

Authorisation to Release Medical Information
A letter giving a doctor or hospital authority to release medical information

Authorisation to Return Goods
A letter authorising a buyer of goods to return those goods on certain conditions

Board Resolution: Appointment of Auditors
Resolves to appoint auditors

Board Resolution: Approval and Registration of Transfer of Shares
Approves the transfer of shares from a shareholder to someone else and resolves to register those shares in that person’s name

Board Resolution: Approval of Directors’ Report and Accounts
Resolves to approve the directors’ report and annual accounts

Board Resolution: Proposal of Alteration of Articles
Resolves to hold an extraordinary general meeting to propose changing the articles of association

Board Resolution to Call Annual General Meeting
A written resolution by the directors of a company to call an annual general meeting of the company

Board Resolution to Call Extraordinary General Meeting
A written resolution by the directors of the company to call an extraordinary general meeting of the company in order to pass one or more special resolutions

Breach of Contract Notice
A notice sent to a party of a contract specifying the terms violated

Builder/Decorator Contract
An agreement between a homeowner and a builder or decorator detailing work to be done and terms

Builders’Work Complaint
A letter to a builder asking that he rectify defective work

Cancellation of an Order to Stop a Cheque
A letter instructing a bank to honour a cheque which has previously been stopped

Certificate of Product Conformity
A certificate from a supplier certifying product conformity

Change of Name Deed
Document to change the name of an adult individual

Change in Pay or Grading Following Job Evaluation
A letter notifying an employee of a pay rise following change of job title

Change in Sales Representative Agreement
A letter agreement between a company and its sales representative recording a change in the terms of engagement

Change of Address Notice
Letter notifying a change of address

Child Guardianship Consent Form
A form appointing a guardian

Cohabitation Agreement (for unmarried partners)
An agreement by which two people agree on the terms under which they will live together without marrying

Company Let
A rental agreement to let residential property to a company for the temporary use of its employees, officers, or visitors

Concession Note (Seller’s where bulk goods do not conform to description or sample)
A request for non-conformity to product standards to be accepted

Confidentiality Agreement
An agreement between a company and an employee that the employee will keep proprietary information secret

Confirmation of Agreement to Pay
A letter reminding a debtor of his agreement to pay

Confirmation of Verbal Order
A letter from a buyer confirming the placement of a verbal order with a seller

Conflict of Interest Declaration
A declaration by an employee that his personal affairs do not conflict with his duty to his employer

Consent to Release of Information
A request for permission from an employee for his employer to release information regarding the employee from a third party

Consent to Short Notice of an Annual General Meeting
Shareholder’s written consent to an annual general meeting being held at short notice

Consent to Short Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting
Shareholder’s written consent to an extraordinary general meeting being held at short notice

Consultant Non-Disclosure Agreement
An agreement by which a consultant agrees not to disclose his client’s confidential information

Contract for the Sale of Goods by Delivery
A simple commercial contract for the sale of goods delivered to the buyer under certain terms

Contractor/Subcontractor Agreement
A works contract between a building contractor and his subcontractor

Credit Information
A response to a request for credit information from another company

Credit Information Request
A supplier’s request for credit information from a potential customer

Credit Reference
A response to a request for a credit reference

Damaged Goods Acceptance with Price Reduction
A letter from a buyer to a seller accepting damaged goods subject to a price reduction

Debt Acknowledgement
A statement by a debtor admitting indebtedness to a creditor

Defect Report Memorandum
An in-house memo for recording product/service non-conformity and corrective action

Defective Goods Notice
A letter for a buyer to a seller rejecting defective goods and requesting a credit note

Demand for Delivery
A letter from a buyer to a seller demanding delivery of goods ordered and paid for

Demand for Explanation of Rejection of Goods
A letter from a seller to a buyer requesting an explanation for the buyer’s rejection of goods delivered

Demand for Payment (Final)
A demand for payment from a creditor to a debtor

Demand to Specify Delivery Dates
A letter from a buyer requesting a seller to confirm delivery arrangements

Demand to Guarantor for Payment
A creditor’s demand for payment from the guarantor of a debt upon default by the debtor

Demand to Pay Promissory Note
A demand from a creditor on a debtor to repay a loan in full on default intstalments

Director’s Resignation Reserving Rights Against the Company
A letter from a director to his board announcing his resignation and maintaining his right to bring proceedings against the company

Dismissal, Disciplinary Rules and Procedures
A document which sets out an employer’s disciplinary rules and procedures policy

Dishonoured Cheque Notice
A notice to a customer/debtor that a cheque has bounced

Dismissal Letter for Intoxication on the Job
A letter of summary dismissal on the grounds of drunkenness to an employee

Disputed Account Settlement
An agreement by which a debtor and a creditor agree to resolve a disputed amount

Electricity Bill Query
A document for querying an electricity meter reading

Employee Agreement on Confidential Information, Inventions and Patents
An agreement between a company and an employee that the employee keeps proprietory information confidential and waives rights to any inventions

Employee Disciplinary Report
A company report on an employee’s breach of discipline

Employee Dismissal for Lateness
A notice to an employee of dismissal after verbal and written warnings

Employee File
A simple resume of an employee’s details and employment history

Employee Licence
A rental agreement to let residential property to an employee

Employee Non-Competition and Confidentiality Agreement
An agreement between a company and an employee that the employee will not compete with the employer’s business during or after his employment

Employee Suspension Notice
A notice to an employee of suspension without pay due to unsatisfactory performance

Employee Warning
A notice to an employee of unsatisfactory work performance

Employer’s Request for Reference
A letter from an employer asking for a reference on a potential employee

Employment Confirmation Offer Letter
A letter confirming a position of employment

Employment Contract
A basic employment contract between an employer and an employee

Enquiry on Overdue Account
A letter requesting explanation for an overdue account

Equal Opportunities Policy
A policy introduced by an employer to try and address the possibility of discrimination occurring in the workplace

Exercise of Option
A letter from an option holder giving notice of the exercise of the option

Expenses Record
An employee’s business expenses record form for claiming reimbursement

Extension of Option to Purchase Property
The owner of property grants an option holder further time in which to exercise his option

Family Tree
A record of family relationships

Final Notice Before Legal Proceedings
A final demand from a creditor to a debtor with the threat of legal proceedings

Final Warning Before Dismissal
A letter to an employee giving final written warning on conduct before dismissal

Final Warning for Lateness
A letter to an employee giving first written warning

First Warning for Lateness
A letter to an employee giving first written warning

Form of Letter from Testator to Executor
A letter to notify an individual of their appointment as an executor to a Last Will & Testament

Form of Resolution for Submission to Companies House
Written notice of a resolution passed by company shareholders for filing at Companies House

Funeral Wishes
Funeral instructions of the deceased

Furnished House/Flat Rental Agreement
A tenancy agreement for letting furnished property on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy for England & Wales

Garage Service Bill Complaint
A letter protesting at the unreasonable charge for repairs and requesting reimbursement

Garage Service Claim
A letter protesting about faulty repair work and claiming for expenses

General Assignment
A basic agreement in which one party transfers its rights or title to a specific item or contract to another

General Power of Attorney
A document by which one person gives another person the power to act on his behalf (usually in the event of absence)

General Proxy
A notice to appoint another to vote on your behalf at a shareholders’ meeting

General Release
An agreement by which one party releases another from any claims or demands it may have against the other

General Subordination Agreement between Creditors
An agreement by which one creditor agrees that another creditor’s debt will take precedence over his own

Grievance Procedure
An employer’s procedure for settling disputes and grievances of its employees

An agreement by which a guarantor guarantees payment of a customer’s debts to induce the creditor to extend credit to that customer

Holiday Letting Agreement
A rental agreement for letting a furnished property as a holiday let

House Rules
A suggested list of rules for use in short-term bed and breakfast accommodation

House/Flat Share Agreement – Non-Resident Owner
An agreement for letting a room on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy for England & Wales

Household Inventory
A record of the contents of a property to accompany a rental agreement

Indemnity Agreement
An agreement by which one party agrees to repay to another party that other party’s costs

Independent Contractor Agreement
An agreement between a property owner and a building contractor for the performance of works to the property

Insurance Claim Notice
A letter to an insurance company giving details of an insurance claim

Internal Customer Complaint Memorandum
A customer services memo detailing a customer’s complaint and the corrective action taken

Joint Venture Agreement (Non-partnership)
An agreement between partners to form a business joint venture

Landlord’s Reference Requirements
Details what references a landlord requires from a potential tenant

Letter Accepting Liability
A letter to a customer from a supplier accepting liability for faulty goods

Letter Accepting Return of Goods
A letter from a seller to a buyer accepting the return of goods

Letter Accompanying Unsolicited Goods
A letter from a supplier introducing samples to a prospective buyer

Letter Acknowledging Complaint
A general letter acknowledging complaint and offering to investigate

Letter Acknowledging Request for Trade Credit
A letter to a prospective customer requesting a credit reference

Letter Agreeing Appointment of an Estate Agent
A letter from a property owner to an estate agent stating the terms of appointment

Letter Agreeing to Trade Terms
A letter from a seller to a buyer agreeing to grant credit

Letter Alleging Passing Off
A letter demanding that a competitor stops using a similar product name and threatening legal action

Letter Confirming Appointment of Independent Consultant
A letter from a company to a consultant setting out the terms under which the consultant is engaged

Letter Confirming Reason for Instant Dismissal
A letter from a company to an employee explaining the reasons for dismissal

Letter Denying Liability on Complaint
A general letter denying fault and suggesting arbitration

Letter Expelling Partner from Continuing Partnership
A letter from remaining partners explaining the terms of one partner’s dismissal from a partnership

Letter from Employee Intending to Resume Work Before End of Ordinary Maternity Leave
A letter from an employee to an employer giving at least seven days’ notice of her intention to return to work before the end of her statutory Ordinary Maternity Leave

Letter Inviting Candidate for Interview
A letter from an employer inviting a candidate for interview

Letter of Claim Addressed to a Carrier
A letter from a supplier to his carrier for reimbursement of the cost of goods damaged while in the carrier’s possession

Letter of Redundancy
A letter from an employer to an employee giving notice of dismissal by way of redundancy

Letter Offering to Purchase Leasehold Property
A letter to an owner of a leasehold property setting out the terms of an offer

Letter re Landlord’s Agent’s Authority
A letter from a landlord to a tenant regarding the appointment of an agent to act on the landlord’s behalf

Letter re Bills
A letter from a landlord to a utility company or authority regarding a new tenant’s responsibility for paying bills

Letter Refusing Return of Goods
A letter from a seller to a buyer refusing the buyer’s return of goods delivered without good reason

Letter Refusing Trade or Financial References
A letter refusing a request for a reference

Letter Refusing Trade Terms
A letter from a seller to a prospective buyer refusing a request for credit

Letter Rejecting Conditions of Order and Reimposing Conditions of Sale
A letter from a buyer to a seller rejecting incorrect delivery of goods

Letter Rejecting Incorrect Goods
A letter from a buyer to a seller rejecting incorrect delivery of goods

Letter Requesting Trade Terms of Payment
A letter from a prospective buyer to a seller requesting credit and offering a bank reference

Letter Sending a Copy of an Agreement Regulated under the Consumer Credit Act 1974
A statutory letter from a supplier to a customer informing the customer of his right to cancel a hire purchase agreement

Letter Taking Up Bank Reference
A letter from a supplier to a bank taking up the bank reference of a prospective customer

Letter Taking Up Trade Reference
A letter from a supplier to a company taking up a trade reference of a prospective customer

Letter Terminating Contract And Invoking Retention of Title Clause
A notice from a seller to a buyer in receivership that a supply contract is terminated and payment is due

Letter to a Solicitor to Collect a Debt
A letter from a creditor to a solicitor requesting that a debt be collected

Letter to Credit Reference Agency for Report
A letter from a supplier requesting a credit report on a potential customer

Letter to Credit Reference Agency Requesting Personal Data
A letter to a credit reference agency requesting personal data under the Data Protection Act 1984

Letter to Customer who has Exceeded Credit Limit
A letter from a supplier to a customer stating that credit is no longer available

Letter to Employee Concerning Salary Rise
A letter from an employer to an employee informing of increase in salary

Letter to Employee, Absent Believed Sick
A letter from an employer to an employee asking for reasons for absence

Letter to Former Employee who is Using Confidential Information
A letter from an employer to a former employee threatening legal action unless use of confidential information ceases

Letter to Receiver or Liquidator Reclaiming Goods
A letter from a supplier to a receiver or liquidator of a customer demanding payment for or return of goods delivered

Letter to Shareholders and Auditors with Resolution to be Passed
A letter from a company to shareholders enclosing a written resolution for the signature of shareholders, together with a letter to the company’s accountants

Letter to Unsuccessful Candidate
A letter to an unsuccessful job applicant

Letter Treating Breach of Contract as Repudiation and Claiming Damages
A letter from one party to a contract to another cancelling the contract, claiming that the other party has not performed their obligation

Licence for Use of a Car Parking Space
A licence granted by a car-park owner to a car owner

Licence to Use Copyright Material
An agreement by which a copyright owner licences use of his copyright work to another

Limited Guarantee
An agreement by which a guarantor guarantees payment of a customer’s debts up to a certain limit to induce the creditor to extend credit to that customer

Limited Proxy
A notice to appoint another to vote as specified on your behalf at a shareholders’ meeting

Living Will
A statement of request regarding the medical treatment you want in the event that you are unable to communicate the information yourself through incapacity

Loan Agreement
An agreement between a lender and a borrower setting out the terms of a loan (to be accompanied by a Loan Note)

Loan Note (Long Form)
An agreement by which a borrower agrees to repay money borrowed

Loan Note (Short Form)
An agreement by which a borrower agrees to repay money borrowed

Loan Payment Record
A creditor’s record of payments made on a loan by a debtor

Location of Important Documents and Summary of Personal Information
A record of information that an executor will need in the event of a testator’s death

Lodger Agreement
A standard agreement for letting a room in a furnished house or flat with a resident owner, in which common parts of the property (e.g. bathroom, lavatory, kitchen and sitting room) are shared

Lodger/Bed & Breakfast Licence
A residential rental agreement for letting a room to a lodger or bed & breakfast guest

Lost Credit Card Notice
A letter from a cardholder to a credit card company confirming loss of a credit card

Magazine Article Commissioning Contract
An agreement between an author and a publisher for the submission of a work to be published

Mailing List Name Removal Request
A letter to company requesting removal of your name from their mailing list

Mileage Reimbursement Report
A record of business-related mileage

Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Minutes of any annual general meeting

Minutes of Directors’Meeting Changing Objects of Company
Minutes of a meeting of directors at which it is resolved to update the company’s memorandum

Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting
Minutes of an extraordinary general meeting of a company

Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting Changing Objects of Company
Minutes of an extraordinary general meeting at which it is resolved to update the company’s memorandum

Minutes of First General Meeting of a Private Company
Minutes of First General Meeting of a Private Company

Mutual Termination of Contract
An agreement by which two parties agree to cancel an existing contract between them

Mutual Releases
An agreement by which two parties agree to discharge one another from any claims they might have in respect of a particular contract or event

National Lottery Syndicate Agreement
An agreement for a group playing the National Lottery

Nominee Shareholder’s Declaration of Trust
Shareholder transfers shares in trust to another party

Notice for Regulated Hire Purchase or Credit Sale Agreements
A statutory form informing a customer of his right to cancel a consumer credit agreement

Notice of Acceptance of Goods
A letter from customer to supplier acknowledging receipt of a purchase order

Notice of Annual General Meeting
A notice from a company to shareholders of a forthcoming annual general meeting of the company

Notice of Assignment
A letter from one party to contract to a debtor that that party has assigned his interest in the contract to another

Notice of Cancellation of Purchase Order and Demand for Refund
A letter from a buyer to a seller cancelling an order for undelivered goods and requesting a refund

Notice of Claim for Indemnity from Joint-Venturer (Non-Partner)
A notice from one party to another of his right to an indemnity from the other in respect of a claim that has been made against them

Notice of Conditional Acceptance of Faulty Goods
A letter from a buyer to a seller accepting faulty goods subject to the seller offering a credit note

Notice of Conditional Acceptance of Non-Conforming Goods
A letter from a buyer to a seller accepting incorrect goods subject to the seller offering a credit note

Notice of Default in Payment
A notice by one party to a contract to the other that his payment under the contract is in default

Notice of Demand for Delivery of Goods
A letter from a buyer to a seller demanding delivery of undelivered goods or requesting a refund

Notice of Dismissal Letter (Capability)
An employer’s letter to an employee setting out the grounds for dismissal based upon the employee’s sub-standard performance

Notice of Dismissal Letter (Sickness)
An employer’s letter to an employee setting out the grounds for dismissal based upon the employee’s poor health

Notice of Disputed Account
A letter from a customer to a supplier explaining why an account is disputed

Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
A notice from a company to shareholders of a forthcoming extraordinary general meeting of the company

Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting to Change Objects of Company
A notice from a company to shareholders of a forthcoming extraordinary general meeting of the company called to update the memorandum

Notice of Goods Sold on Approval
A letter from a supplier accompanying goods sent on approval

Notice of Intention to Recover Payment in Default
A letter from a finance company to a customer requesting payment of overdue amounts under a consumer credit agreement

Notice of Particulars of Ownership
Required by law under the Business Names Act 1985 for any trading name

Notice of Rejection of Non-Conforming Goods
A letter from a buyer to a seller rejecting delivery of goods for reasons stated and requesting a refund

Notice of Rejection of Goods
A letter from a seller to a buyer accepting the buyer’s rejection of goods and giving notice of replacement

Notice of Replacement of Rejected Goods
A letter from a seller to a buyer accepting the buyer’s rejection of goods and giving notice of replacement

Notice of Result of Grievance Investigation
A letter from a company to an employee replying to the employee’s complaint

Notice of Return of Goods Sold on Approval
A letter from a customer to a supplier rejecting goods sent on approval

Notice of Trade Term Violations
A letter from a supplier to a customer warning the customer that they have breached their credit terms

Notice of Withheld Delivery
A letter from a seller to a buyer requesting payment of unpaid invoices before delivery

Notice of Wrongful Refusal to Accept Delivery
A letter from a seller to a buyer giving notice that the seller regards the buyer’s rejection of goods to be in breach of contract

Notice Requiring Possession: Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement
A notice from a landlord to his tenant that he requires possession of the property at the end of the tenancy agreement

Notice to Cancel Delayed Goods
A letter from a buyer to a seller cancelling order for undelivered goods

Notice to Dissolve a Two-Party Partnership
A notice from one partner to another that their partnership is dissolved

Notice to Employee being Laid Off and Giving Guarantee Payments
‘Guarantee’ payments must be made to employees with at least one month’s service, when they would normally expect to work but no work is available

Notice to Employer of Intention to Take Maternity Leave
A letter from an employee to an employer giving notice of her intention to take her entitled Ordinary Maternity Leave

Notice to Stop Goods in Transit
A letter requesting shipper to return goods to the seller

Notice to Terminate Given by Owner – House/Flat Share Licence Agreement,Resident Owner
A notice from a resident owner to the sharer that he requires possession of a property

Notice to Terminate Given by Sharer – House/Flat Share Licence Agreement, Resident Owner
A notice from a house or flat sharer that they wish to terminate a rental agreement with the resident owner

Notification of Business Transfer
A notification to an employee that his employment continues although the company has a new owner

Offer of Employment to Avoid Redundancy
A letter from a company to an employee offering alternative employment instead of redundancy

Offer to Settle by Arbitration
A letter from one party to another offering to settle a dispute by arbitration

One-Off Agency Agreement
An agreement by which a principal delivers goods to its sales agents for sale while retaining title to the goods

Option to Buy Land
An agreement by which a seller gives a potential buyer an option to purchase land

Option to Purchase Goods
An agreement by which a seller gives a potential buyer an option to purchase goods

Order to Stop a Cheque
Request to a bank to stop a cheque

Organ Donation
A document in which an organ donor specifies his wishes

Overdue Account Reminder
A simple letter reminding a debtor that a payment is overdue

Partial Delivery Request
A letter from a seller to a buyer suggesting partial delivery of order within the terms of the buyer’s credit limit

Partnership Agreement
An agreement between individuals wanting to establish a business partnership

Pay Advice
A form advising employee of salary and deductions

Permission to Use Photograph
Permission given by a photographer for another to use his work

Permission to Use Quotation or Personal Statement
Permission given by one party to another for the use and publication of spoken words and other material

Personal Property Rental Agreement
An agreement between an owner and a renter for the use of personal property, for example, a boat

Pools Syndicate Agreement Rules
An agreement for a group playing the football pools

Premarital Agreement
An agreement between a couple intending to marry as to the ownership of property during the marriage and in the event of divorce

Product Defect Notice
A letter from a customer advising manufacturer, distributor or seller of a defective product

Promissory Note
A promise by a borrower to repay a loan on demand

Promissory Note for Repayment by Instalments
A promissory note for repayment by instalments

Guarantee to Support a Promissory Note
An agreement by which a borrower agrees to repay money borrowed and a guarantor guarantees the repayment

Property Inventory
List of property owned

Purchase Order
A company’s record of an order for goods bought in

A supplier’s written statement of prices for specific goods

Receipt Appropriated to a Particular Debt
General receipt payment or part payment

Receipt for Company Property
Itemises company property issued to an employee

Receipt in Full
Basic receipt for money paid on account

Receipt Credited to a Particular Account
Basic receipt for money paid on account

Receipt for Non-Cash Consideration upon Allotment of Shares
A document to record the receipt by a company of property in return for the issue of shares

Redundancy with Ex Gratia Payment
A letter from an employer notifying an employee of his redundancy and redundancy payment

Reference Letter on Employee
A letter in response to a request for a reference for an ex-employee

Rejected Goods Notice
A letter from a buyer giving notice and reasons for the rejection of goods

Reminder of Unpaid Account
A letter from a seller to a buyer requesting payment of an outstanding invoice

Remittance Advice
A letter from a buyer to a seller requesting that payment be set against certain invoices

Rent Review Memorandum
A record of an agreement between a landlord and a tenant on a new rent payable subsequent to a rent review

Rent Statement
A record of rent payment receipts kept by a tenant or sharer

Rejection of Claim for Credit Note
A letter from a seller to a buyer refusing request for a credit and giving reasons for refusal

Request for Advance Payment
A letter from a seller to buyer requesting money on account

Request for Bank Credit Reference
A letter requesting a reference from a bank

Request for Credit Reference
A letter requesting a credit reference from another supplier

Request for Guarantee
A letter from a seller to a buyer requesting a personal guarantee from the directors of the buyer’s company

Request for Information on Disputed Charge
A letter from a seller to a buyer requesting justification for a disputed account

Request for Quotation
A letter from a potential customer to a supplier seeking a price quotation

Request for Replacement Share Certificate
Also known as a letter of indemnity; a notice to a company secretary of the loss of a share certificate and the request for a replacement

A general form of resignation from an office or job

Resignation of Director Relinquishing All Claims
A letter from a director to his board announcing his resignation without claim

Response to Employee’s Complaint
A letter from an employer requesting that an employee follows a formal complaints procedure

Restaurant Food Poisoning Claim
A letter demanding compensation from a restaurant/wine bar after food poisoning

Restaurant Food Quality Complaint
A letter demanding compensation from a restaurant/wine bar after poor quality food

Restaurant Lost Reservation Claim
A letter demanding compensation for a reservation that was not kept

Revocation of Power of Attorney
A document by which a donor revokes a power of attorney previously granted by him

Sale Agreement of Moveable Property Subject to Debt
An agreement by which a buyer agrees to buy property on which a debt is payable and agrees to pay the debt

Sales Representative Agreement
An agreement between a company and its sales representative setting out the terms of engagement

Samples and Documents Receipt
An employee’s receipt for samples and company documents

Second Notice of Overdue Account
A letter from a seller to a buyer making a second request for payment of an overdue account

Second Warning for Lateness
An employer’s second written warning to an employee for being late for work

Security Agreement
An agreement between a creditor and a debtor by which the debtor offers property as a security for the debt

Settlement Statement
A statutory statement sent by a supplier to a customer who wishes to repay early a consumer credit agreement

Share Certificate
A document to record the ownership of fully paid shares in a company

Share Subscription/Application
An application by a prospective shareholder for shares in a company

Solicitor’s Charges: Detailed Account Request
A letter requesting a breakdown of charges

Solicitor’s Charges: Remuneration Certificate Request
A letter requesting a certificate with which you can obtain a judgement on whether the solicitor’s fees are too high; obtained by the solicitor on your behalf

Special Notice for the Removal of Auditors
A proposal for a company’s annual general meeting for the removal and replacement of auditors

Special Notice for the Removal of a Director
A proposal for a company’s annual general meeting for the removal of a director from the board

Standard Board Minutes
A standard format for recording the minutes of a company’s board meeting

Standard Contractual Terms for Sale of Services online
Standard Contractual Terms for Sale of Services Online where the customer is a business, services and price negotiated individually

Summary of Employment Terms
A potted terms and conditions of employment

Supplier Questionnaire
A questionnaire to a supplier issued by a company meeting the requirement of BS5750/ISO9000

Telecoms Bill Dispute
A letter questioning an improbably large telephone bill

Tenant’s Bank Standing Order Mandate
A form for setting up a tenant’s standing order payable to his landlord

Trading Standards Officer Complaint
A letter asking your local officer to investigate a suspected breach of trading standards

Unfurnished House/Flat Rental Agreement
A standard agreement for letting unfurnished property on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy for England & Wales

Unsolicited Idea Acknowledgement
A letter from a company acknowledging receipt of an unsolicited idea on certain terms

Variation of Contract
An agreement by which two parties agree to vary the terms of an existing contract

Variation of Employment Agreement
An agreement by which an employer and employee agree to vary the term of an existing contract

Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk
A document by which a customer agrees not to hold a supplier liable for any loss, damage or injury suffered by the customer

Warranty Increasing Statutory Rights
A supplier’s promise to replace faulty goods in addition to the customer’s basic statutory rights

Water Supply Interruption: OFWAT Investigation Request
A letter requesting the intervention of a regional Office of Water Services customer service committee in a dispute with the water company in its area.

Withheld Delivery Notice
A letter from a seller to a buyer giving reasons for the non-delivery of goods

Working Time Regulations Opt Out Agreement
Agreement whereby employee agrees not to be bound to the Working Time Regulations


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Established in 1993, Lawpack is the UK’s leading provider of legal forms and DIY legal kits. We also produce a range of legal guides and have just launched our new legal services, which can help you to write a Will...

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Poor health and safety can leads to illness and accidents, and significant costs for your business. Employers who take their responsibilities seriously and follow the correct health and safety procedures improve the productivity of their businesses and increase their reputation...

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